This job has expired on Mar 17, 2013 @ 6:16 pm and is currently closed
Composer needed for Musical Theatre Project
Status: CLOSED
Posted: Mar 17, 2012 @ 6:16 pm
Updated:Mar 17, 2012 @ 6:16 pm
Genres:Opera, Rock, Soundtrack/Film Music
Skills:Composer, Computer Music Composer, Lyricist, Musicologist, Piano Player


Free (Share Credit)

Time Frame

Within one year

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Bids/Applications: 17
Public applications:
Posted on August 17, 2012 @ 5:33 pmLocation: Ahmedadad (IN)Compensation: $1,500 #17
by Dharmendra Girishchandra Bhattji Dharmendra Girishchandra Bhattji is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Dear Sir/Madam
I am an Indian musician residing in Ahmedabad, Gujarat, India. I play Mandolin, Keyboard. My specialty is playing Indian classical and light music on mandolin.
I am certified artist for All India Radio Station and TV.
I have participated in various classical concerts, light music programs for both traditional folk songs and as well as popular Indian movie songs. I have also accompanied folk dance troupes to cultural festivals in Ukrain and Poland.
I have also performed on mandolin and Keyboard for studio recordings of many cassettes and albums. I have worked as a music arranger and music director, and I have also created my own music.
I have performed with many well known music groups as a music arranger and keyboard & mandolin artist. These programmes have also been transmitted live by ETV Gujarati, NDTV, RadioMirchi and Door Darshan.
I would like to participate in your musical albums or programs, please let me know how I should go about it.
I am sending a recording of my short performance onmandolin (Raag Yaman Kalyan).
For further details please visit
my blog:
my website:

You may watch a demonstration on youtube

Address: 27D/Tarun Nagar III
Subhash Chowk, Memnagar
Ahmedabad 380052
Gujarat, India
Phone: (R) 91-0...
(M) 91-9825865918
Fax: 91-079-26461832

Give me a chance to meet you personally for more detailing of my activities and live demo. I will be highly obliged if I am given a chance
Hoping to hear from you soon
Thanking You,
Dharmendra Bhattji

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Posted on August 2, 2012 @ 3:19 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #16
by Justinas Stanislovaitis Justinas Stanislovaitis is currently offline. Click to send a message.


My name is Justinas Stanislovaitis, I have been working as a composer for 7 years and I would like to participate in your project. You can check out my works at . My email : skype : kapalutas1

Best regards
Justinas Stanislovaitis

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Posted on July 10, 2012 @ 7:40 amLocation: Ekaterinburg (RU)Compensation: as proposed #15
by Victor Bunkov Victor Bunkov is currently offline. Click to send a message.
I write basically instrumental music, but with text too, and looking for versions of cooperation. ;

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Posted on June 20, 2012 @ 6:31 pmLocation: N/ACompensation: as proposed #14
by Dmitriy Andronov Dmitriy Andronov is currently offline. Click to send a message.

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Posted on May 1, 2012 @ 1:16 amLocation: 0Compensation: as proposed #13

I am absolutely interested in this. Please message me if you are still looking so we can talk.

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Posted on March 20, 2012 @ 12:11 amLocation: Urmia (IR)Compensation: as proposed #12
by MrSam MrSam is currently offline. Click to send a message.

exactly tell me what do you need.
horror sound track/music for your movie !
and how long should it be?

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Posted on March 19, 2012 @ 7:24 amLocation: Antwerpen - Belgium (BE)Compensation: as proposed #11
by Wouter Joseph Smekens Wouter Joseph Smekens is currently offline. Click to send a message.

I am happy to make the music for your play

please call me


still better would be Skype:



kind regards

W.Joseph Smekens

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Posted on March 17, 2012 @ 7:39 pmLocation: Moscow (RU)Compensation: $4,000 #10
by Pavel Pogorelsky Pavel Pogorelsky is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Name: Pogorelsky Pavel Boleslavovich
Date of Birth: 23.06.1986
Marital status: Single
Nationality: Russian
Address: Varvarskaya,10-48 Nizhniy Novgorod Russia

Phone: +7(831)4198724
Mobile: +79672387974

Next of Kin: English conversational
Name and Post address of your closest relative (Husband/wife, or parents, or brother/sister),show only one most closest person. Boris uncle
Instruments mastered Piano is main mastered instrument;
Organ is also available

2003-2008 Moscow State Conservatory
1993-2003 Musical school N. Novgorod

Previous experience

2008-2009 Musical University of culture and art. Accompaniator

A teacher of school of music

Summer 2008, 2009,2010, 2011 Musical concert employee in Russian ships
Mos tur flot
Info flot
Rech tur flot
2011 A work in Jerusalem choir

Since 2011 A work on the international ferries in Skandinavia


Должность музыканта-КОМПОЗИТОРА!!!

О себе

Профессиональный музыкант-исполнитель на фортепиано и органе, композитор. Пишу музыку с семи лет. Увлекаюсь аранжировками. Лауреат российских и международных конкурсов (в том числе: конкурс им. Ф. Шопена в Польше (1998), конкурс «Брат и сестра» в С-Петербурге (1996), стипендиат программы «Новые имена»(1996-2000)). Являюсь членом Союза молодых композиторов. Кроме того изучал дирижирование, и обладаю хорошим голосом (бас.
Кроме того профессиональный настройщик пианино и роялей,

реставратор..Имею заграничный международный опыт работы
Член ассоциации фортепианных мастеров России.


Московская Государственная Консерватория им. П.И.Чайковского

Фортепиано, орган и композиция

(1993-2003) Музыкальная школа №9 г.Н.Новгород, специальность фортепиано. Окончил с отличием.

Опыт работы

Игра в ресторанах («Панфиловец» и др.

Написание музыки к фильмам («Король крыс» режиссера Малинник И.И., 2007).

Работа на речных судах

Инфо Флот,

Мос тур Флот,

работа на международных паромах Скандинавии


Работа в музыкальной школе Таривердиева

на youtube разнообразные видео


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