Retired (EMPLOYER)

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Representative:Dermot Devitt
Address:Comba Flats, Apt 6,
City:Triq San Pawl, St. Paul's Bay
ZIP/Postal Code:Malta 3412
Other Telephone:356-996 39971
Added: Aug 1, 2011      Last update: Mar 7, 2016       Last logged: Sep 24, 2018Report this user as inappropriate

More About Retired

  • I'm a lyricist who writes on a daily basis, everything from pop to country. Last year I spent some time in Nashville, where one of my entries reached the Semi Final stage of the Song of the Year. I'm looking for a composer to collaborate with.

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Christian Nicolas La FleurChristian Nicolas La Fleur
Computer Music Composer
Genres: Classical, Dance, Electronic, Pop, Soundtrack/Film Music
Genres: Classical, Dance, Electronic, Pop, Soundtrack/Film MusicChristian Nicolas La Fleur is currently online. Click to send a message.

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