Re: This is Magic - Cover band from Russia is looking for job posted b posted by This is Magic

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This is Magic - Cover band from Russia is looking for job on April 20, 2018 @ 7:28 pm
by This is Magic This is Magic is currently offline. Click to send a message.


We are 5-piece band(4 guys and 1 girl) from Russia and currently looking for work abroad. We play modern pop, pop rock, rock, rock'n'roll of 60s - 70s, some evergreen hits etc. Pretty much everything that cover band needs nowadays

We played over 50 gigs here in Kaliningrad and Moscow and for the current time are continuing perform at weddings, corporation parties, graduation parties and so on.

You can find our photos and promo video here:

You can also watch our promo video on Youku:

Looking forward to hear from you soon.

Best regards
