Michel Camilo - 1 night only London Concert June 13th 2015 posted by Completely!Concerts
Re: Michel Camilo - 1 night only London Concert June 13th 2015 posted on October 16, 2015 @ 9:44 am | |
[QUOTE id=30138 time=1430574118] delighted to announce Michel Camilo one of the worlds greatest exponents of Latin jazz piano will be at the QEH on London's Southbank on June 13th 2015, for one night only.
We feel sure every jazz fan will be delighted to know that Michel Camilo is appearing in his first ever solo concert in the UK. Neither Michel nor his genius need much preamble or introduction. Thrilled that Michel is pausing his world tour to share what we know will be an amazing concert in London. For the benefit of anyone who might like to discover more, herewith a link to his site and a further link to the Southbank Centre online details of the concert.
http://www.southbankcentre.co.uk/whatson/michel-ca... [/QUOTE] |
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