This job has expired on Feb 4, 2020 @ 10:59 pm and is currently closed
Status: CLOSED
Posted: Jan 30, 2020 @ 4:58 pm
Updated:Jan 28, 2020 @ 10:59 pm
Categories:Single Musician, Player
Skills:Drums Player
Band/Ensemble:Drums Drummer


More than $1,000

Time Frame

Within one week

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Bids/Applications: 1
Public applications:
Posted on January 30, 2020 @ 6:53 pmLocation: Clermont, FL (US)Compensation: as proposed #1
by OTTOCUBA OTTOCUBA is currently offline. Click to send a message.

Hello everyone

My name is Ottoniell cruz chala

42 years old

I'm Cuban and still have Cuban passport and citizenship

Permanent USA resident (green card)

I currently living in orlando Florida

Speak Spanish and Italian (been living for 12 years in Italy before move to USA in 2015)

9 years experience with msc cruise trough Rossetti Entertaiment

And last years done one contract for NCL Trough Suman Entertaiment

Here is my YouTube channel you can check me up and see me playing many stiles in many musical situation!!

I born with Latin music because I'm Cuban but I'm pop funky jazz lover my last two experience with msc was with a jazz quartet or soul band because we play many styles from jazz pop a traditional American music styles!

Actually I'm no aceptan a long contract because I'm almost starting my 🇺🇸 CITIZENSHIP application and I need to be available for all emigration calls when they call people for fingerprint meeting or interview!!

That's my first goal this years!

But I'm looking for opportunities and can accept short contracts (just in case) I have safety training from MSC still valid but August 2020 they will spired!!

Sorry for any English mistake I'm still learning!!!

Best regards


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