Musicians > Jim Mansfield

Jim Mansfield

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Drums Player
Other skills:Teacher, Percussion Player
Other genres:Alternative, Classical/Contemporary, Contemporary, Country, Electronic, Jazz, Latin, Pop, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Rock, Soundtrack/Film Music, Traditional, World
City:New York
State/Province:New York
Added: Jan 21, 2011      Last update: May 1, 2017       Last logged: May 31, 2017Report this user as inappropriate

More About Jim Mansfield

  • Jim Mansfield is a drummer, composer, and New York State certified music educator. His performance credits include concerts and tours in Asia, Europe, and North America with some of today's most creative artists. In addition to appearing on over 50 recordings, Jim has performed on numerous sessions for film and television. Mr. Mansfield has been a band director, clinician, private instructor, and general music educator at various schools and music programs in New York City and Long Island since 1997...

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