Musicians > The Golden Duo

The Golden Duo

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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Details:kayboards, soprano&alto sax,chromatic harmonica, percuss
Other genres:Blues, Country, Dance, Jazz, Latin, Pop, Reggae, Rock, Vocal, World, Other...
MP Activity:
Cell. Phone:+48693984098[...]
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:andrerzej.kargol
Added: Jul 9, 2011      Last update: Jun 19, 2017       Last logged: Mar 19, 2019Report this user as inappropriate

More About The Golden Duo

  • The Golden Duo (Trio) is a professional Polish band consist of two (three) members: - Agnes - main vocal, percussion - Andrew – keyboards, alto saxophone, accordion, harmonica, vocal - Jack - lead guitar, accustic guitar, bass guitar, trumpet, vocal We have been performing together for over eight years around the world. Our reach experience make us flexible and allows to play a various of music in multiple languages – since jazz, blues standards, evergreens, country, reggae, till pop&rock covers. We play English, Spani... (more info...)

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