Musicians > Just Showband

Just Showband

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Band/Ensemble:Full Orchestra
Details:6-piece party band
Other genres:Blues, Contemporary, Country, Dance, Electronic, Jazz, Rock
Address:Zoltán Fekete
ZIP/Postal Code:6600
Cell. Phone:+36303860163
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:zolijustshowband
Added: Aug 4, 2011      Last update: Jul 24, 2014       Last logged: Jan 6, 2016Report this user as inappropriate

More About Just Showband

  • Just Showband is one the best showbands from Hungary, Central Europe. We have been working together for more than 4 years. In 2012 we had over 300 gigs, mainly on cruise ships, but on land as well. The six-piece band is full of energy and, the most important thing is that we love to play. Check out our material and get in touch if you are interested in our work....

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