Musicians > Nightshake


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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Other genres:Blues, Country, Folk, R&B/Soul, Rock, Vocal
ZIP/Postal Code:51105
Cell. Phone:(+49162)384 7955
Added: Sep 15, 2011      Last update: May 5, 2017       Last logged: Sep 1, 2024Report this user as inappropriate

More About Nightshake

  • Solo Artist Rick Derman forming new band American singer/songwriter Rick Derman, now living in Berlin, plans to move to Holland in early 2015. He is seeking band members in Germany or Benelux with professional attitude for concert and recording dates in 2015. This will be a combination of cover and original songs. Some musical influences are Beatles, Dylan, Bowie, Oasis, The Strokes and Kings of Leon. Following positions are open: drummer, bassist, guitarist, keyboards. Vocal ability is optional but welcome. Females are of course free to apply. Inter... (more info...)

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