Musicians > Ekaterina


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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Other genres:Blues, Classical, Contemporary, Dance, Early Music, Jazz, Opera, Pop, Soundtrack/Film Music, Vocal
City:St. Petersburg
Added: Oct 28, 2011      Last update: Oct 28, 2011       Last logged: Nov 17, 2020Report this user as inappropriate

More About Ekaterina

  • We are duo violin/piano from Russia Ready to cooperate. Please let us know if you are interested in Your can see our video here:
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Video Files

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Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Play Count: 2,017
Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Play Count: 2,017

Audio Files

Nature Boy by ProMa
Type: Mp3, Size: 5.4 MB, Time: 3:47
Likes: 2   Post/View Comments
Genre: Jazz
Play Count: 394
Genre: Jazz
Play Count: 394
Fly me to the moon by ProMa Ekaterina
Type: Mp3, Size: 2.3 MB, Time: 2:22
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Genre: Jazz
Download Link: Download this file (downloaded 352 times)
Play Count: 405
Genre: Jazz
Download Link: Download this file (downloaded 352 times)
Play Count: 405

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