M.anthony Thompson
Skill/Title: | Skills: Other... Player |
Other skills: | Arranger, Composer, Computer Music Composer, Lyricist, Singer, Researcher, Guitar Player |
Genre: | Genres: R&B/Soul |
Other genres: | Alternative, Blues, Dance, Hip-Hop/Rap, Jazz, Pop, Rock, Soundtrack/Film Music, Vocal |
Gender: | Male |
City: | Beijing, Jakarta |
Country: | CHINA |
Website: | theanthonythompson.wix.com/theanthonythompson |
Other Website: | www.reverbnation.com/eaststlou/song/[...] |
Other Website: | www.reverbnation.com/eaststlou/song/[...] |
Other Website: | www.youtube.com/watch?[...] |
Skype: | tvibeman |
Added: Apr 23, 2015 Last update: May 7, 2015
Last logged: Nov 17, 2015 | |
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