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Ashfaq Ali Khan

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Movie... Aashqui 2

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Jeet Gannguli, although Mithoon and Ankit
Genre:Genre:Soundtrack/Film Music
Description:Description:Set in the early 2010s, Aashiqui 2 centers on a turbulent romantic relationship between a failing singer, Rahul Jaykar, and his protege, aspiring singer Aarohi Keshav Shirke, which is affected by Rahul's issues with alcohol abuse and temperament.
Performers:Performers:Aditya Roy Kapoor
Instruments:Instruments:Piano,, Violon
Year:Year:26 April 2013
Record Label:Record Label:Mukesh Bhatt; ‎Mahesh Bhat
External Site:External Site:Miscellaneous Sites
Added: Jun 18, 2022      Last update: Jun 18, 2022

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