Tatyana Trifonova

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Video Files (complete list)

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Jazz Session at Rick's Café -Tatyana Trifonova - Just the two of us by Rick´s Café Casablanca
©2019 Issam Chabaa
YouTube™ Video
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Genre: Jazz
Description: Just the two of us - Live jazz... [more]
Performers: 1
Instruments: 3
Play Count: 459
Genre: Jazz
Description: Just the two of us - Live jazz... [more]
Performers: 1
Instruments: 3
Play Count: 459
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Jazz Session at Rick's Café -Tatyana Trifonova - One note samba by Rick´s Café Casablanca
©2019 Issam Chabaa
YouTube™ Video
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Genre: Jazz
Description: One note samba - live jazz ses... [more]
Performers: 1
Instruments: 3
Play Count: 544
Genre: Jazz
Description: One note samba - live jazz ses... [more]
Performers: 1
Instruments: 3
Play Count: 544
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Tatyana Trifonova - What are you doing the rest of your life by Tatyana Trifonova
©2019 Tatyana Trifonova
YouTube™ Video
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Genre: Jazz
Performers: 1
Instruments: 3
Play Count: 537
Genre: Jazz
Performers: 1
Instruments: 3
Play Count: 537

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