Musicians > Niya & Me

Niya & Me

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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Details:Nia & George - female & male vocals, guitars & p
Other genres:Blues, Classical/Contemporary, Dance, Electronic, Jazz, Latin, New Age, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Rock
City:Las Palmas
ZIP/Postal Code:35620
Added: Feb 11, 2010      Last update: Nov 15, 2013       Last logged: May 14, 2017Report this user as inappropriate

More About Niya & Me

  • Niya&Me “Niya&Me” duo was created by Niya and George in 2009 in Sofia. This young and fresh couple Offering a high variety of international music form 60s to the last charts. Niya – the leading vocal of the band ,was born in 1986 in one of the most artistic and aristocratic cities of BULGARIA named RUSE. At her hometown on the river Danube, she got a high school diploma. Then she studying Psychology in Varna,and after one year she going to live in Bonn-Germany,where she studying opera singing. Niya has been participating in differ... (more info...)

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