Musicians >Michael Mauldin >Audio Files > Love Without a Name

Michael Mauldin

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Love Without a Name

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Michael Mauldin
Description:Description:Piano solo written about a student who was kidnapped by his mother in a custody dispute. Not knowing if I would see him again, I wrote the piece to express that "love without a name"--a pedagogical eros that is often misunderstood, but which is nonetheless real.
Performers:Performers:Michael Mauldin
Record Label:Record Label:Michael Mauldin
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:2.1 MB
External Site:External
Download Link:Download Link:Download this file (downloaded 661 times)
Play Count:Play Count:756
Added: Apr 29, 2009      Last update: Jun 5, 2009

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