Musicians > Sweety Johnson

Sweety Johnson

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Other... Player
Other skills:Arranger, Lyricist, Teacher
Other genres:Alternative, Blues, Contemporary, Country, Dance, Gospel Music, Hip-Hop/Rap, Jazz, Pop, Soundtrack/Film Music
City:Las Vegas
Added: May 27, 2010      Last update: Jan 5, 2014       Last logged: Feb 25, 2017Report this user as inappropriate

More About Sweety Johnson

  • Krista "Sweety" Johnson was born in Los Angeles California were she started singing at the age of 5. Sweety started singing in church as a chour member for most of her child hood. As early as 19 she became a member of a bnd called Mistique and had the chance to sing in Tokyo Japan for three months in a night club named Pickford Live Hall. She is known for her strong soulful voice and her incredible songwriting skills. Sweety has toured with Grammy award winning Ciara in 2013, she has recorded with Grammy nominated producer PK who produced "... (more info...)

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