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Ovieye by Majek Fashek

Ovieye by Majek Fashek
Ovieye by Majek Fashek
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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Majek Fashek
Description:Description:Majek Fashek-vocals,Wurlitzer,percussion Dale Hauskins-lead/rhythm guitars James King ,Paul Shapiro-saxophone Paul Bernstein-trumpet Josh Roseman-trombone Jeremy Yeremanian-Keyboards Sol-bass Jamey Zeb Dekofsky-drums, percussion Afrodyte and Jennifer Stoltz-background vocals. Kofu-talking drum Recorded at J E Sound Productions �· 1680 N Sycamore Avenue. Los Angeles, CA 90028. Mix,engineered by Ed Goodreau (Phil Collins/Guns N Roses/Michael McDonald/Cheap Trick)
Performers:Performers:Majek Fashek-vocals,Wurlitzer,percussion Dale Hauskins-lead/rhythm guitars James King ,Paul Shapiro-saxophone Paul Bernstein-trumpet Josh Roseman-trombone Jeremy Yeremanian-Keyboards Sol-bass J
Instruments:Instruments:Guitar, drums, talking drums, keyboards, bass, vocals
Record Label:Record Label:Coral Music Group 2005
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:13.5 MB
Play Count:Play Count:308
Added: Nov 18, 2021      Last update: Nov 18, 2021

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