Musicians >JohnnyDerek >Video Files > Johnny Derek - Yeah he's heavy . . . and he's my Brother!


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Johnny Derek - Yeah he's heavy . . . and he's my Brother!

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Derek Watson
Description:Description:It's a compilation reel!
Performers:Performers:Johnny Derek
Instruments:Instruments:Guitar, Harmonica
Record Label:Record Label:Nathan Peacock
External Site:External
Download Link:Download Link:Download this file (downloaded 336 times)
Added: Jan 8, 2017      Last update: Jan 9, 2017

Comments: (2 comments)  [Post a comment]

Barb Gladue is currently offline. Click to send a message. Barb Gladue on January 9, 2017 @ 6:28 pm 

Johnny is an all around fun entertainer. You'll have an awesome time if he's playing.
I am pretty sure I have never heard anyone play with such heart. Whether he's playing an original, or a cover tune, Johnny puts his whole heart into it.

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JohnnyDerek is currently offline. Click to send a message. JohnnyDerek (author) on January 9, 2017 @ 12:38 am 

Hey folks Johnny here . . . just a quick "note" . . . get it? Lol! Just a quick note to admit one thing and promise you another! I "admit" I'm certainly not the eye candy I might've been when I was younger! However, I "promise" if you come see my show you'll not only have a good time, . . . I'll help you laugh & cry!! And we'll feel like "family" afterwards!! :-)

Love, love, love & Good times!


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