andreacasagrande Creative Page




Genre: Comedy

Directors: Giovanna Senatore, Norman Russo

Scriptwriter: Giovanna Senatore

Productions: Media Aetas, Giorman

Runtime: 00.01.40

Country: Ireland, Italy

Year: 2012



Genre: Adventure, Horror, Comedy

Directors: Giovanna Senatore, Norman Russo

Scriptwriter: Giovanna Senatore

Productions: Media Aetas, Giorman

Runtime: 00.05.57

Country: Ireland, Italy

Year: 2012


The Blarney Castle and the Wood

Genre: demo reel and work for the artistic movement “Points of View”

Directors: Andrea Casagrande

Scriptwriter: Andrea Casagrande

Productions: Media Aetas

Runtime: 00.04.39

Country: Ireland, Italy

Year: 2012



Genre: Fantasy

Directors: Giovanna Senatore, Norman Russo

Scriptwriter: Giovanna Senatore

Productions: Media Aetas, Giorman

Runtime: 00.14.49

Country: Ireland, Italy

Year: 2011

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1-Vellum - Opening Credits (Main Theme)

2- Vellum Prologue - Mind Confusion - movimento primo

3- Vellum Prologue - Mind Confusion - movimento secondo

4- Vellum - Going Out

5- Vellum - Ducks

6- Vellum - On the river

7- Vellum - Finding the bottle

8- Vellum - At home

9- Vellum - Before the Vellum’s Spell

10- Vellum - The Vellum’s Spell

11- Vellum - Bleakness

12- Vellum - Il Giavolo

13- Vellum - Closing Credits - Allegro a Basso Continuo



Park City Film Music Festival 2012 – Official Finalist.


Thy Pipe

Genre: Fantasy, Narrative

Director: Andrea Casagrande

Scriptwriters: Andrea Casagrande, Giovanna Senatore

Production: Media Aetas

Runtime: 00.13.04

Country: Ireland, Italy

Year: 2010

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1-Thy Pipe Opening Credits

2-Thy Pipe Bedroom

3-Thy Pipe Gate gag

4-Thy Pipe Going to the car

5-The Snow’s tale

6-Thy Pipe Entering in the wood

7-Thy Pipe In the wood

8-Thy Pipe Coming back home

9-Thy Pipe Rats invasion

10-The village in the heart (credits)



Park City Film Music Festival 2011 (Silver Medal for Excellence in Music for the Short Film “Thy Pipe”).

Short Films Corner of Cannes 2011 – Official Selection.


The Greatest Escape

Genre: Comedy, Family

Directors: Giovanna Senatore, Norman Russo

Scriptwriter: Giovanna Senatore

Producer: Giovanna Senatore

Runtime: 00.05.00

Country: Italy

Year: 2010

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1-The Greatest Escape soundtrack


Un-mate Season II - Stan

Genre: Web Series, Gothic/Comedy

Directors:, Norman Russo, Giovanna Senatore

Scriptwriter: Giovanna Senatore

Productions: Media Aetas, Giorman

Episodes: 12 Episodes

Country: Ireland, Italy

Year: 2013


Un-mate Season I

Genre: Web Series, Gothic/Comedy

Directors: Giovanna Senatore, Norman Russo

Scriptwriter: Giovanna Senatore

Productions: Media Aetas, Giorman

Episodes: 12 Episodes

Country: Ireland, Italy

Year: 2012




LAWebfest 2013 – Outstanding Producing

LAWebfest 2013 – Outstanding Composer

LAWebfest 2013 – Outstanding Sound Design

Telly Award 2012 – bronze.




The Mother Load

Genre: free browser game

Producer: Jessica M. Jimerson

Company: Armored Games

Country: USA


Level 2: Candy City

Level 5: Ocean Pearl

Level 6: Ocean Cave

Level 7: Desert

Level 9: Jungle



LONERS (2013 Mini Album): Ancient Sea, Enchanted Forest, Gran Finale, Obscure, Valiant Flag.

From the court to the war and then Tango (Jean Paul Gaultier fashion show scoring – 2013)

Maleficent – Maestoso (2012 – cue for the film “Maleficent”)

The Blarney Castle and the Wood - (2012 demo reel, film music scoring) 4 different genres on the same footage.

Symphony No. 1 - My Dreams (2011 – classical)

Symphony No. 2 - My Dreams (2011 – classical)

Symphony No. 3 - Sweet Ham - My Dreams (2011 – classical)

Symphony No. 4 - Nena - My Dreams (2011 – classical)

The Chimneysweeper (2011 – classical, fantasy)
All after that journey  (2011 – classical, fantasy, film music score)
The Moon (2010 – classical)
Adventure (2010 – classical film music)
George Stephenson Locomotion Number 1 (2010 - film music score)
Dining (2010 - classical, Renaissance)
The Wood (2010 - classical, Renaissance)
The Frogs Gran Galŕ (2010 – classical, fantasy)
Magic Ballata (2010 – classical, rondň)
Knights in the night - 10 songs songwriter with Giovanna Senatore Media Aetas.







IMRO (Irish Music Rights Organization)

IFTA (Irish Film and Television Academy)

IFTN (Irish Film and Television Network)

IPRSG (Irish Playwrights and Screenwriters Guild)

Updated:  July 18, 2013

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