Musicians > Floods


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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Other genres:Dance, Electronic, Rock, Other...
Address:Timurovtsev 40a. st.
ZIP/Postal Code:61120
Telephone:+380 93 352 30 42
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:jungenzwei
Added: May 4, 2016      Last update: May 4, 2016       Last logged: May 24, 2016Report this user as inappropriate

Audio Files

On the edge of the earth(demo) by Floods
Type: Mp3, Size: 8.4 MB
Likes: 1   Post/View Comments
Genre: Pop
Description: This song was recorded in engl... [more]
Instruments: Vocal & Computer VST plugins.
Play Count: 262
Genre: Pop
Description: This song was recorded in engl... [more]
Instruments: Vocal & Computer VST plugins.
Play Count: 262
Tonight(demo) by Floods
Type: Mp3, Size: 7.4 MB
Likes: 0   Post/View Comments
Genre: Dance
Description: Light pop/dance track, with be... [more]
Instruments: Vocal, guitar, computer VST plugins.
Play Count: 360
Genre: Dance
Description: Light pop/dance track, with be... [more]
Instruments: Vocal, guitar, computer VST plugins.
Play Count: 360

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