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34 records found, shown 1-10

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Yuariya Vaicari by Marisol Jimenez
produced by Marisol Jimenez
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Genre: Contemporary
Instruments: violin, live electronics
Updated: Aug 20, 2024
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produced by Peter Machajdik
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Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Instruments: violin I., violin II., viola, cello
Updated: May 17, 2023
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PASSING THROUGH NOTHING [2021] for string quartet by Peter Machajdik
produced by Peter Machajdik
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Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Instruments: violin I., violin II., viola, cello
Updated: May 15, 2023
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Light Dreams - The way to the heart (live full set) by Light Dreams
produced by Light Dreams
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Genre: Soundtrack/Film Music
Instruments: Synths, guitar, violin, fx, jews harp, key
Updated: Apr 13, 2020
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Penderecki.Concerto Doppio. Solo parts. by Krzysztof Penderecki
produced by Constantine Grechanivsky
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Genre: Contemporary
Instruments: Violin solo and Viola solo
Updated: Jan 25, 2020
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Jean Sibelius.Humoresques.(I-VI).Parts by Jean Sibelius
produced by Constantine Grechanivsky
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Genre: Classical
Instruments: Violin and Orchestra
Updated: Jan 24, 2020
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Sample of a completed order. LEGAL format by Constantine Grechanivsky
produced by Constantine Grechanivsky
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Genre: Contemporary
Instruments: Violin
Updated: Jan 25, 2020
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Sample of a completed order. S.Bechet.Negro Rapsodie No.1 by Constantine Grechanivsky
produced by Constantine Grechanivsky
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Genre: Jazz
Instruments: Violin and piano
Updated: Jan 25, 2020
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Sample of a completed order.Little pieces for violin. by Constantine Grechanivsky
produced by Constantine Grechanivsky
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Genre: Classical
Instruments: Violin and piano(harpsichord).
Updated: Jan 25, 2020
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Sheet music.Sample of a completed order.Convert handwriting. by Constantine Grechanivsky
produced by Constantine Grechanivsky
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Likes: 3   Post/View Comments
Genre: Classical/Contemporary
Instruments: Violin
Updated: Jan 25, 2020
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