Musicians > Francesco Barattucci

Francesco Barattucci

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Other... Player
Other skills:Composer, Computer Music Composer, Lyricist, Teacher, Guitar Player, Keyboard Player, Piano Player
Other genres:Blues, Jazz
MP Activity:
City:San Salvo
ZIP/Postal Code:66050
MSN Instant Messaging
Yahoo! Instant Messaging Yahoo!:rubacuorii82
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:rubacuori82
Added: May 8, 2011      Last update: Nov 5, 2012       Last logged: Sep 21, 2014Report this user as inappropriate

More About Francesco Barattucci

  • Hi, I'm a professional pianist singer with a strong background. I have an International Repertoire and I sing all Kinds of Music: Jazz, pop, soul, pop, bossanova, evergreen. I'm available as Solo Piano Singer or as a Duo.
  • View Resume

Audio Files

"Just As I Am" by Francesco Barattucci
©2012 By Myself
Type: Mp3, Size: 5.5 MB, Time: 2:17
Likes: 2   Post/View Comments
Genre: Pop
Performers: Francesco Barattucci
Instruments: Piano
External Site:
Play Count: 438
Genre: Pop
Performers: Francesco Barattucci
Instruments: Piano
External Site:
Play Count: 438

Applied Jobs

TitleAppliedWinnerJob Status
Urgent: need pop singers for club in chinaNov 24, 2012NOCLOSED
Duo needed for 5 star hotel in UAE UrgentlyJun 21, 2012NOCLOSED
singers can sing italian songs needed for 5 star hotelJun 6, 2012NOCLOSED
Piano/Vocal Duo Needed for Japan - March ContractFeb 4, 2012NOCLOSED
Singer, Duo, Trio, Quartet, Guitarist, Pianist, etcNov 3, 2011NOCLOSED
Solo lounge pianist-singer neededOct 18, 2011NOCLOSED
Piano Bar Entertainer Wanted (Cruise Ship)Oct 15, 2011NOCLOSED
Male/Female Jazz Pianist NeededOct 8, 2011NOCLOSED
Musicians wanted for 5 star hotels in Asia and Middle EastOct 7, 2011NOCLOSED
Female/male singers needed for a recording sessionOct 7, 2011NOOPEN
URGENT: Trio Band wanted for a 5* hotel 80km from DUBAISep 30, 2011NOOPEN
Band needed for residency in DubaiSep 28, 2011NOCLOSED
Resident MusicianSep 21, 2011NOCLOSED
Musicians wanted for 5 star hotels in Asia and Middle East!Sep 14, 2011NOOPEN
Female Lobby Pianist RequiredSep 12, 2011NOCLOSED
Male/Female Singing pianistSep 12, 2011NOCLOSED
male and female singers needed for tours of hotels in cyprusAug 30, 2011NOCLOSED
Duo/Trio needed Urgent, 6-months fr. September in ChinaAug 29, 2011NOCLOSED
Strolling Musicians for 5 Star ResortAug 27, 2011NOCLOSED
Piano Bar Entertainer Wanted (Cruise Ship)Aug 18, 2011NOCLOSED
Musicians needed for 5 star hotels in Asia and Middle EastJun 6, 2011NOOPEN
Showband Pianist and moreMay 25, 2011NOOPEN
Jazz singer needed for Hilton urgently!May 15, 2011NOCLOSED
Musicians required for 5 star hotels in Asia 2011May 9, 2011NOOPEN
Looking for SingersMay 9, 2011NOCLOSED
Musicians needed for 5 star hotels in Asia and Middle EastMay 9, 2011NOOPEN
Cruise Line Jobs For Artists!May 8, 2011NOOPEN

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