Musicians > Duo Radical

Duo Radical

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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Other genres:Blues, Country, Dance, Early Music, Jazz, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Rock, Vocal, Other...
ZIP/Postal Code:0064
Cell. Phone:+359893235002
Other Telephone:+359893235711
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:richiband
Added: Feb 2, 2011      Last update: Oct 13, 2014       Last logged: Jan 30, 2015Report this user as inappropriate

More About Duo Radical

  • Duo Radical was formed in 2004 by Anny and Lachezar (keyboards and guitar). Since then they worked in piano bars and in summer and winter tourist resorts all over Bulgaria. They have also performed long term engagements in Turkey,South Korea and UAE. Anny's voice is universal she can sing any style of music. Her passion is R&B and rock songs. She is "front" singer of the duo and play also keyboards. Lachezar have a very strong voice suitable for rock and evergreens. He play's many instruments his first is guitar next to g... (more info...)

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