Musicians > Mistura Fina Latin-international Duo

Mistura Fina Latin-international Duo

Mistura Fina Latin-international Duo is currently offline. Click to send a message.



Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Details:keyboards,two vocal male-female-playbacks
Other genres:Classical/Contemporary, Contemporary, Early Music, Jazz, Latin, Opera, Pop, Reggae, Rock, Traditional, World
MP Activity:
City:Mar Del Plata
ZIP/Postal Code:7600
Cell. Phone:+5492235201761
Other Telephone:+5492235201761
Added: Mar 16, 2011      Last update: Oct 24, 2021       Last logged: Oct 23, 2022Report this user as inappropriate

More About Mistura Fina Latin-international Duo

  • Mistura Fina is a versatil musical duo since 2.001.Sergio Salvatore (vocal and keyboards) has a very experience singing around the world in countries like Japan,Brasil (Club Mediterranee Rio Das Pedras) ,Royal Caribbean Cruise Lines -Voyager of the Seas (Mexico,Gran Cayman,Jamaica,Miami,Bahamas,Haiti) Sheraton Hotels,Costa Galana,First categories restaurants and a many others places.Laura Pirruccio (vocal) has been worked with Pepe Cibrian, the famous Argentinian writer and creator, making Musical Comedy such Otelo and Las Mil y una Noches showing her... (more info...)

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