Musicians > Just Soft duo

Just Soft duo

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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Details:Live Duo:Female Singer/Piano player and Guitar player
Other genres:Blues, Classical/Contemporary, Jazz, Latin, New Age, R&B/Soul, Rock, Soundtrack/Film Music, Vocal, World
MP Activity:
ZIP/Postal Code:11070
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:mary_522
Added: May 15, 2011      Last update: Mar 2, 2012       Last logged: Dec 14, 2022Report this user as inappropriate

More About Just Soft duo

  • Just Soft Duo is a duo with a wide repertoire of songs from all kinds of soothing music (soul, pop, jazz, bossa nova...). Duo is somewhat international, having in mind that the guitar player had his music Academic education in Austria (Graz) and Greece (Athens). With their Academic diplomas, both of the members of this duo are teaching instruments they play (guitar, piano and vocal technique) in their own music school. The unique performance style and sound as well as the wide range of music they play are something that brings them continuous bookin... (more info...)
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