Musicians > KR'EM


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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Details:Female vocal, male vocal&guitar, or trio with 2 fem sing
Other genres:Blues, Country, Dance, Electronic, Folk, Latin, Pop, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Rock, Traditional, World
ZIP/Postal Code:905500
Cell. Phone:0040758877692
Yahoo! Instant Messaging Yahoo!:emilian_gui
Added: Dec 21, 2011      Last update: Jan 22, 2014       Last logged: Aug 6, 2015Report this user as inappropriate

More About KR'EM

  • KR’EM band has born in 2008 from the former member of Synkron Group, Emi Gui, guitarist, vocalist and arrangements, and the singer Crina Balan (well known across the country as lead vocal of ex Giglio group, in top of national charts with 2 singles and videoclips „Oare de ce” and „Visez” , young, talented, with a nice voice and special timbre, a beautiful appearance), but they often bring other musicians in their gigs, as an extra option, to give more feeling to their music, to have different perspective in each event, to be more versatile, ... (more info...)
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