Musicians > Toshe Temelkov

Toshe Temelkov

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Piano Player
Other skills:Researcher, Guitar Player
Address:Kozle 78
ZIP/Postal Code:1000
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:tosepiano
Added: May 21, 2009      Last update: May 28, 2012       Last logged: Jun 4, 2015Report this user as inappropriate

More About Toshe Temelkov

  • Toshe Temelkov was born in Veles, Macedonia on June 17 1981. His first piano class was when he was 8 years old, and his first piano competition where he won the First prize was when he was 10. Since then, he regularly plays at concerts and competitions throughout Macedonia. He finished music elementary studying with prof. Svetlana Tasheva, music high school studying with prof. Nina Srebrova and Music Faculty studying with prof. Boris Romanov. His first concerts abroad are in Fort Collins, Colorado in December 2004, Tihany, Hungary in 2005 and after that ... (more info...)
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