Musicians > Lance Woodman

Lance Woodman

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Drums Player
Other genres:Blues, Contemporary, Dance, Gospel Music, Hip-Hop/Rap, Jazz, Latin, New Age, Pop, Reggae, Rock
MP Activity:
Address:Western Cape
City:Cape Town
Added: Mar 2, 2010      Last update: Jan 19, 2018       Last logged: May 15, 2018Report this user as inappropriate

More About Lance Woodman

  • Biography of Lance woodman My passion for playing drums started when I saw the first VHS recording of Dennis Chambers. He, amongst others, namely: Max Roach, Elvin Jones, Tony Williams and Steve Gadd have become just a few of my influences. My father then bought my first drum kit, a Tama Rock star, and at the age of eight. I then attended the well-known Beau Soleil Music Centre in Kenilworth and completed my Grade 6 Trinity Studies. Whilst being at Beau Soleil, I played in the Senior Stage Band as well as the Senior Wind Band. This increased my knowle... (more info...)

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Need showband urgentFeb 7, 2011NOCLOSED
All Types Of Entertainers Required.Jun 12, 2010NOOPEN
4 pc Pop/R&B band requiredMar 2, 2010NOCLOSED
Looking for 3pc Jazz Band with vocalist to gig in AsiaMar 2, 2010NOCLOSED
Musicians for 5* hotelsMar 2, 2010NOOPEN

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