Album: | Album:Banana Juice Demo Version |
Author/Composer: | Author/Composer:Candra Permana Cavarro |
Genre: | Genre:Folk |
Description: | Description:Still demo version. This project created by me, my wife and my brother in law. Song and lyrics written by my wife and my bro, while I arranged all the music. We looking for someone who can help us to get record or indie label. We wish we can make this album out side of my country. |
Performers: | Performers:Canz, Inti & Sukma (vocal) |
Instruments: | Instruments:Piano, keyboard, drum synth, acoustic guitar |
Year: | Year:2015 |
Record Label: | Record Label:none |
File Type: | File Type:Mp3 |
File Size: | File Size:4.8 MB |
Time: | Time:3:20 |
Play Count: | Play Count:519 |
Added: Jan 5, 2016 Last update: Feb 2, 2016