Audio Files >Instruments >Oboe > Tenue brillantez / Tenuous brilliance


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Tenue brillantez / Tenuous brilliance

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Author/Composer:Author/Composer:Patricia Martinez
Description:Description:My piece is based on an idea that composer Brian Ferneyhough proposed to me. Currently, he is my doctorate advisor at Stanford University. He composed a work for the Ensemble Recherche's “In nomine” project a few years ago. This project allowed the use of the famous “In Nomine” (from the 16th Century) as a starting point for a work. I loved this proposition because I worked with early music in most of my music of the last fifteen years. The “In Nomine” cantus firmus is the internal root of my work but at the same time, the focus is on the mutating process into a renewed material. The connection with early music is related specially with my concept of “little deaths”. I believe that one of the more relevant characteristics of early music is the particular way that this music “glorified” the moment of the cadences or endings. Cadences are a metaphor of death. I call them “little deaths” when they are transitory (closure of a section or just a phrase).
Performers:Performers:Surplus Ensemble
Instruments:Instruments:flute, oboe, percussion, violin, cello
Record Label:Record Label:Innova
File Type:File Type:Mp3
File Size:File Size:25.2 MB
External Site:External
Play Count:Play Count:935
Added: Aug 18, 2016      Last update: Aug 18, 2016

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