Musicians > La Fiesta

La Fiesta

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Band/Ensemble:Instrumental & Vocal Duo
Details:guitar, flute, la fiesta, latino, jazz,vocal
Other genres:Blues, Classical, Country, Jazz, Latin, Pop, R&B/Soul, Reggae, Rock, Traditional, Vocal, World
MP Activity:
Cell. Phone:00380938382725
Skype Instant Messaging Skype:olgag2008
Added: Jul 12, 2011      Last update: May 6, 2014       Last logged: Apr 15, 2016Report this user as inappropriate

More About La Fiesta

  • Duo "La Fiesta" is becoming recognized as one of the most dynamic and exciting guitar based ensembles. The duo has performed throughout the world, including in Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Malaysia, South Korea, Bahrain, Oman etc. "La Fiesta" consists of two young and talented musicians - Alexander and Olga. They met and formed as a duo in the year of 2001, while undertaking studies at the National Academy of Music in Kiev, Ukraine. The impressive individual talents of Alex and Olga come together to create what is sure to be one of the m... (more info...)

Video Files

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Demo 2012 by La Fiesta La Fiesta
Time: 10
Likes: 0   Post/View Comments
Genre: Pop
Play Count: 1,252
Genre: Pop
Play Count: 1,252

Applied Jobs

TitleAppliedWinnerJob Status
Duo/Trio needed Urgent, 6-months fr. September in ChinaAug 31, 2011NOCLOSED

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